The Foundation for Neonatal Research and Education offers research grant opportunities to neonatal nurses who meet the follow criteria:
All applicants must be professionally active neonatal nurses.
- Actively engaging in a service, research, or educational role that contributes directly to the health care of neonates or to the neonatal nursing profession. (Includes all professional neonatal nursing roles and neonatal nursing students).
- An active member of a professional association dedicated to enhancing neonatal nursing and the care of neonates whose mission is consistent with the mission of the Foundation for Neonatal Research and Education. Must be active member more than one year prior to applying for a grant.
- Demonstration of ongoing professional education in neonatal nursing as demonstrated by at least 10 contact hours in neonatal content in the past 24 months. Or neonatal nurses enrolled in degree nursing programs (advanced RN to BSN) during the same time period.
- FNRE does not provide funds to the same person for both a FNRE Scholarship and Research Grant or recipient of either award in the past 5 years.
- FNRE board members and FNRE Research Review Committee members are ineligible to apply.
- Only one (1) research grant will be awarded per research project.
- Applicant must be the principal investigator.
- If the principal investigator has limited research experience, it is expected that a mentor will be consulted.
Download a FNRE Research Grant Application.